Email Client Settings

March 14, 2024


There are multiple email clients that can be configured to check you and/or email accounts. Not all of them present the information in the same manner, this article will provide you with the settings, you may need to research where the settings are to be found on your particular client. KiN's email servers settings are as follows:

Incoming Mail (IMAP):

Server Address:

Incoming Port: 143

Username and Password: This will be your email accounts full address as the user name and the accounts password in the password field

Authentication Setting (Security): STARTLS is preferred but TLS or SSL should work if STARTLS is not available.

Outgoing Mail (SMTP):

Server Address:

Incoming Port: 587

Username and Password: This will be your email accounts full address as the user name and the accounts password in the password field

Authentication Setting (Security): STARTLS is preferred but TLS or SSL should work if STARTLS is not available.

If your client has an option to have it check for authentication this will need to be enabled.

If you have had your KiN email account previous to 2016 and never performed a migration your account will be hosted on Google's infrastructure. Google's email server settings can be found by visiting

KiN can no longer provide support to email accounts that have not been migrated, if you need assistance migrating your account please contact our technical support team at 250-353-1546.